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the sun rises cold, the mocking
Begins from the Off
from the moment my eyes,
struggle to open
every day, I wish.

It will be quite easy for this essay to turn into yet another "complexity vs. the human condition" type post that I am too frequent to post on this site. However, some things are unavoidable when discussing the fundamental aspects of human life. It has become clear to me in the course of my reading in 2023 that humans have...

On my life I swore to do this, and on my life shall it be done… no matter the cost.



When your Voice
Leaves my Ears, When
your syllables

Writing a post like this on New Year's Day would definitely be enough to land me on the list for cheesiest bloggers of all time. How many saps like me are publishing their own list of reasons to be positive for the coming year? Now, I'm not saying mine will be different. In fact, as I'm writing this little intro,...

At the start of 2023, I came up with some New Year's resolutions. Most were fairly standard - continue to exercise, focus on my writing and get my book published (haha), and, of course, to read more. I mentioned this in a quarter-year post on this website, but 2022 and 2021 were poor reading years for me. After Covid and...

The first flakes of snow falling beyond the windows of Jessie Cordon's house sent a shock through her spine. She knew it was going to precipitate from what the weather had been saying on the TV all week, but to see it now… She hoped it wouldn't cancel any flights. After all, half her family was supposed to arrive...

the first crackles of.
a fire, an Electric
baseboard. the heat, not yet
Permeated, Beginning
to seep in,

About the Author

Growing up as an only child in a quiet suburban town in New England, I had to find new ways to entertain myself by imagining worlds of fantasy and heroism in my backyard. There began my passion for storytelling, later coupled with an interest in writing guided by several of my English teachers. Now in my early 20's, I'm seeking to explore the fundamentals of human nature and refine my own creativity in the hopes of becoming a novelist in the future.