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I am Him (He isn't Me)


I bang the chambers of my skull;
prison of my own design.
I need air, I need AIR!
I need.

I want, and I do
He does, but I don't.

I share, but I need. Now.
I can't.          (For He)

my actions Speak
Louder than me.
though I
sometimes disagree.

I cannot convey
this duality. Dichotomy
of man and me, or
Me and He.

He forces me,
I do it.
then I hide away again.

Shunned, an outcast.
a Murderer and a Deceiver.
Denizen (I think) of
our mind.

It is only Him and I,
that is what He wants
So that's what is.

Moored to Him
He to me, and I
To nothing (please), I

want to be free.