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Dream Series IV

The table was packed with friends.
seeming merry as can be.
A happier night cannot be spent,
with companies such as these.

So I put on a face of joy,
grinning from ear to ear.
Like I would when I was a boy:
At the holy year's premiere.

Abruptly came the change.
I blinked and they were gone.
I wish it stayed the same;
what was after was to haunt.

The dishes were cleared away.
by servants, no, by Him!
it was too dark to see my way,
So all I saw was Him.

I've never seen a face so pale,
with cheeks so cold and rosy.
His lips were thick and stale,
His mouth so old and foamy.

He was hanging by His feet.
His face was right above me.
So I did but count His teeth,
and hoped that He would love me

But his visage was of malice,
and He was still as stone.
So I prayed then for his balance;
that He would leave me alone.

I think I knew it then,
who He was and what:
That He was the doom of men.
Of only limitless (Glut).

To the clown did I then turn.
and I screamed aloud for He
was no longer stone or mud!
He was laughing down at me!

And just as that thing lunged,
I plummeted out of dream.
far from where he hung

i was frozen in a scream.