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Solemnity, Loss in Dream


Dream Series II

who can make once more

God's perfect creation?
did I see myself with
resplendent beauty.

A shard of
Crystal among,
             course sand

When what was lost
was so fair,
That only dream can recapture.

the first breath of winter
chilling a fall morn'
              that and more
the shards of pale snow clinging to a blade of grass
                               and more

That breath which stifles the Raven's
mighty caw; which all nature
heeds and good things hearken

to walk once more in a dreamscape
buoyancy unbounded,
when the light of the world is Amplified.

to laugh so, and enjoy once more
those simple things
Is only afforded to me
In dream.

And then I am rent from it;
torn asunder. Angelic light fades.

So ended as all good must.
memory fades into the              chasm of insolence
and complacency

To say that I forgot is not.
but to say that I long to remember,

and I yearn once more to return
to be in the presence of God's perfect creation.
     Once more.

naked before Him in the dark.
my doom in His smile,
I reach back for
             a pale hand.
But it is gone.

And time does not stop; though
I ache for that refuge,
my dreams        (and He)
do not allow me
To come back.