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the sun rises cold, the mocking
Begins from the Off
from the moment my eyes,
struggle to open
every day, I wish.



When your Voice
Leaves my Ears, When
your syllables

the first crackles of.
a fire, an Electric
baseboard. the heat, not yet
Permeated, Beginning
to seep in,

On nights when rain Falls
steadily upon the wood and
shingles of a solid roof, across a
Wooden house,

Of cold wind, plenty,
Of warm Hearth,
it trickles through numb fingers.
I find myself, looking, far
Beyond thin, Bare

A child with an open palm,
Trying to catch slivers
Of silver smoke, thinking
Softly of salvation
Finding only

Those wings, which
Fly me into the Earth, which
Drive me into the Worst, of myself
How do I find them again?
How do I, Where do I Search
and Why

Run Aground


Chained to truth, Bound to honor
a foot apart yet miles away
my heart can sway, but i
Cannot waver

Seasons Change


green leaves, gray, but
when do they change? and for Whom
are they within, or without?
i heard the ripple
of Soft Whispers
Wind on the Water.

Hard rain, soft Clouds in the sky
to walk amongst them, I surmise
an earthly Flight, and no return
Or miniscule life, to Crash and Burn