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It's the most dangerous thing one can do as a writer. Make a sequel to one of your most fan-loved, most critically acclaimed, and best selling books of all time. Not only that, but do it over thirty years later, when the vast majority of hype for your original masterpiece has died out save in the hearts of your most...

If ever there was a book that summarizes the horrors of isolation perfectly, then Stephen King's The Shining would be that book. King combines horrific imagery with excellent pacing and love-able characters in what many would call his best work to date. I won't go that far, because if King's literary repertoire is an ocean, than I have...

Aquaman Review


Has DC finally righted the ship? After the mixed reviews of many of their past movies, including BVS, Justice League, and Man of Steel, along with the great success of Marvel's similar movies during that timeframe, there was probably a need to produce a masterpiece as soon as possible. Aquaman seems to be that movie, at least by...

No jokes here. The greatest feat of recent cinematic history has arrived, and it is every bit of what I wanted from it. While trilogies like the original Star Wars or Lord of the Rings films may be accomplishments in their own rights, each holding the throne as the greatest in their respective genres, no franchise has ever encapsulated 22...

The Incredibles 2 needed to be good. For my own sanity, it needed to be great. I was four years old when The Incredibles came out, and it was an integral part of my childhood. It was one of those rare animated movies that my entire family enjoyed, full of adult satire for my parents and cartoon do-gooders fighting bad...

'Salem's Lot by Steven King is a must-read, and I'm telling you that off the bat because spoilers will ensue in this review, and so I feel compelled to tell you now that you should not only read this book, but buy this book. Treasure this book, and read it once a year for the rest of your...

Possibly the most hyped movie of the year, Avengers Infinity War, directed by the Russo brothers, falls significantly short of any preformed standards that I had. Based on many critic reviews and even remarks from close friends of mine, I went into the movie expecting a riveting and emotional experience, one which would make all of the "Mr. Stark,...