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On my life I swore to do this, and on my life shall it be done… no matter the cost.

The first flakes of snow falling beyond the windows of Jessie Cordon's house sent a shock through her spine. She knew it was going to precipitate from what the weather had been saying on the TV all week, but to see it now… She hoped it wouldn't cancel any flights. After all, half her family was supposed to arrive...

The orange and purple of the faintest glimpse of twilight had only just begun to creep over the eastern sky outside my window when I awoke. Truly, a magical thing. It's as though God, the great painter of the world, has made a yellowish brushstroke just at the flat plain at the edge of the world, blending it in...

"I'll just have a coffee and a blueberry muffin, please." His voice was gruff, sandy at the edges and yet soft on the consonants. He brushed jet black hair onto his face to obscure his dark brown eyes from the server.

Somewhere within a distant mountain sat a dragon atop a pile of gold. This was not a scary dragon, with rows of razor sharp teeth and talons the size of full grown men. This dragon had claws which it could at best use to scratch the scales behind its pointy ears, and while it did have sharp teeth, it had...

There hadn't been many long drives in the life of Marcus Bourne. In fact, prior to this day, he'd driven over an hour just once in his life. That one time had been to steal away in the middle of the night from his home. Then, there was no destination. Away was the operative word in his head. He'd...

It was so terribly cold. Snow was falling, and it was almost dark. Where had the time gone? It seemed not so long ago I had a friend on the Earth to assuage the darkness, to bring kindling to the winter. Now, the flakes fell in large, soft petals: ash on the field through which I trudged. Every breath...