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The greater portion of my stay, sandwiched between stints in New Delhi, took place in Hardwar, a city of great history and religious meaning, which also suffers from the same flaws as New Delhi. There you will find the same poverty mingled with grandeur, both historical and modern, and there also you will find hardy people willing to help at...

Dwelling some more on that contradiction I mentioned in the Delhi post led me to realize that the people of India are at the same time its greatest strength and weakness. I did not expect to find such hardiness from them, but I was similarly shocked to discover such bureaucracy and laziness, though of that I have little experience;...

All four seasons hold a special place in my heart, both for nostalgic and natural reasons. But if I were to pick one time of the year in which I feel most content, it would be in these next couple of months; in the winter, before the cold turns from a refreshing escape to a deathless night eternal, and before...

There are some things a man cannot admit to himself; things that must be forced upon him before they are accepted. These things are never secrets, and are rarely hidden beneath more than the finest silk veil. They're seen in the mirror everyday by said man, but that mirror often reflects only that which he wishes to see. It...

Fall Nostalgia


As the leaves change, I'm constantly reminded of the memories I made growing up in New England's colorful and cold autumn. I remember everything from special Pilgrims vs Indians dodgeball obstacle courses in gym class, to cutting paper turkeys out of construction paper and writing what I was thankful for in the bird's tail feathers. And even though...

On Happiness


What are the prerequisites for a content life? It occurs to me now that no one has ever laid out a path for me which takes me through what it means to be happy. I know what courses I must take to graduate from college, I know the general process of finding a job, and I know what...

On God


This may or may not be extended, revised, or rewritten to encompass any new information which I receive on the subject of a higher power. Just an FYI.

Is their love a cliffside at sea, where our raging tides and blistering storms hold no sway? Where they simply batter the bluff with no hope of reaching the peak and where the simple prospect of a breach is absurd? Can logical discord not be had once this wall is erected, shielding them and keeping us from their innermost bastions...

If there's one trait amongst humans which separates them from simpler primates it's the ability to pose questions and answer them in a logical and formulaic manner, and then record those answers for a communal database of knowledge, after which it's common practice to pass down these teachings from generation to generation. This process...