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At the start of 2023, I came up with some New Year's resolutions. Most were fairly standard - continue to exercise, focus on my writing and get my book published (haha), and, of course, to read more. I mentioned this in a quarter-year post on this website, but 2022 and 2021 were poor reading years for me. After Covid and...

Spoiler warning: This post will contain spoilers for the 1987 Michael Crichton novel: Sphere. As this novel was a great thriller with plenty of twists which balanced science fiction and action in a successful manner, I do not wish to spoil it for those who have not read it and think that they would enjoy such a book....

Returning to a particularly formative piece of media can be daunting. You always fear that it may not be as good as you remember. Perhaps you outgrew it. Perhaps you simply look back on yourself at the time you consumed that media with some warm nostalgia; you may not miss it, you could just miss who you were when you...

Over the last few years, I've read a lot of Stephen King books. My obsession with his work began with Salem's Lot, a book I used to read a little bit at a time through weekly visits to the Barnes and Noble in Salem, New Hampshire until I finally caved and bought it. From there, I read several of...

I recently saw two Netflix movies which had a great deal in common and yet were so far apart in their deliveries that it got me thinking: how do you do a played out genre well? As a writer, trying to squeeze ingenuity and push innovation from tired tropes and clichés is a constant struggle. I've sometimes abandoned long projects...

It's been a while since I reviewed something on this page, but Midnight Mass deserves to be brought to as many people as possible. I found the show to be an incredible peak into natural faith imbued with supernatural horror, and I found myself enamored by its complex views of fundamentalism, rationalism, and the intersection of faith and reason....

While 2020 has certainly been a long, disheartening, and tumultuous year, I can point to one benefit to all the strangeness - my passion for reading has been reignited by a series of thought provoking books. All things said and done, I read 23 books in 2020, and am on my 24th. I've decided to spend some time in this...

When I first began watching Cartoon Network's Over the Garden Wall, I was skeptical to say the least. It seemed oddly condescending to watch a cartoon intended for kids half my age, and it felt strange that it was broken up into ten-ten minute episodes - as though they were subliminally hinting at the short attention spans of...

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn was a riveting and well written book, and could be one of the best thriller works of the 2010's. That being said, I never want to read it again. When I first picked it up, I was prepared for an overhyped book which was strong, but only famous because of the popular movie starring Ben...

Mary Shelley is one of the most celebrated authors in history, and her work is crowned by the famed story of Frankenstein, which has been adapted in countless ways since the advent of theaters and silver screens. But before seeing any of the movies or the spin off books and comics, I decided on reading the original, by...

As one of the most revered British classics, Pride and Prejudice certainly carries with it great expectations, and while the book most definitely differs more my usual milieu, which is a stage consisting of thrilling, fantastical, and enigmatic themes, I can certainly say that Jane Austin's prized work certainly left a good impression on me, which...

This is not a review of the 2009 film Coraline, for if it were, the length of this essay would be entirely spent in praise, and a reader would understandably become tired of the unceasing and unashamed warmth which which I regard this movie. Not only is it an essential piece of nostalgia from my childhood, but it...